Tuesday 16 October 2012

Target audience

Our artist 'Alexa' is aimed at a younger female generation (young adults) from the ages of 13-25. We think that our artist will appeal to this audience because of her feminine popstar image. Young women aspire to be like her e.g. looking like her, be looked at like her, and act in a similar way that she does- making her idol like.
We view her as a pop star who sings about typical problems young women go through so that this audience can relate to her and feel empathy alowing a connection to be built between the artist and the viewers, creating a fan base which is essential for an artist.

I have put together a questionaire which I will hand out to a number of individuals of different ages and genders, asking their opinion on 'Alexa' as a pop star and their views on the image of a young female artist.

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