Monday 15 October 2012

Stage we are at

What stage are we at?
At the moment we are currently editing our footage as it has recently been uploaded. This includes us all taking part and having a go at editing. We will analyse the footage and decide which parts we like the best and then use it on final cut to edit and put together to create our piece.

What did we achieve this week?
We were able to upload our footage from our camera and start the begining of the editing. We have all had a go at editing and I personally enjoy it very much

Problems encounter?
We did struggle to cut the film clips on the beat as the beat is very constant. Also we found that making all the pieces flow is challenging, however in time we can work on this and improve as we go along.

What is the plan for the week coming?
We hope to carry on with editing and form our piece even more, enabling it to be ready for our rough cut deadline. If we all take our turn to help out and put all our ideas together it will be very beneficial.

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