Monday 15 October 2012

Plan for this week

We are now at the point of editing our footage to fit the music. So far we have edited the first 30 seconds of the video, we would have liked to have done more though we had problems when it came to uploading the clips on to our mac as the computer crashed half way through the upload. We are also researching different ways to edit a music video e.g. transitions and cuts, special effects etc
By the end of this week we hope to have edited the whole video so that we can add special effects for our last 2 lessons before our rough cut deadline on the 24th October. Out of college we will all research different editing techniques so we have plenty of time to edit next week with a clear plan of what we want to achieve. And seeing as we have got all our footage we do not need to worry about the filming deadline this Wednesday the 17th.

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