Tuesday 23 October 2012

Feedback on track

These are some of the questions we will ask various people from all ages and gender to see what they think of our song.

Did you like the track?

What type of person would like this track?

Which age range would you typically associate this song?

How would you picture the band/lead?

What sort of music video would you expect to accompany this track?

If performance, where and what type?

If narrative, what sort?

Here is an example of some answers:

Did you like the track?

What type of person would like this track?
Mainly girls I think as its quite slow and meaningful

Which age range would you typically associate this song?

How would you picture the band/lead?
A female artist

What sort of music video would you expect to accompany this track?
A typical female pop star one

If performance, where and what type?
In a house, acting alongside a boy?

If narrative, what sort?
A love story

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