Sunday 23 September 2012

Star persona

Definition of a star (Richard Dyer)

- When interest in private life out weighs interest in their professional career

'A star is an image, not a real person, which is constructed from a range of materials (press, tv, film etc)

Dyer - Discourse needed between fan and star in order to maintain star persona

Karina Wilson 2011 - related Dyer to pop stars
- Some stars support hegemony (same-ness) by conforming to the represented 'ideal' (thin, beautiful etc) some provide difference (large but lovable)

'Celebrity magazines are about how stars compare: to the ideal and how we compare to the stars'

- Comparison star to ideal - Jess wright, looks 'glam' on the red carpet, no negative comments

- Challenging ideal - Lauren TOWIE - article talks about her weight

Music - contributes to star persona genre
Media material - music video
Lyrics - intimate - relate to fans life - reinforces relationship and persona
Other materials are essential to construct star persona - ideas of how the star is constructed e.g Facebook, Twitter

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