Tuesday 13 November 2012

Story board

This is our story board we created a week before we filmed our music video. It shows the order in which we planned to order clips we were yet to take within our final edited music video.

Shot list:

Shot 1- Our artist lying on the plain sofa
shot 2- Close up on the artist, leading to her miming the lyrics to the song
shot 3- A close up on her crying in between her singing
shot 4- A pan shot of her singing sitting on the sofa
shot 5- A pan shot of her singing lying on he sofa
shot 6- A close up shot of her face miming
shot 7- Darker lighting with candles around the artist singing a verse
shot 8- A high angle of the same setting
shot 9- Close up on her face in the darkly lit setting
shot 10- A shot of the artist and a male with their heads together
shot 11- A shot of the artist and male lying on the sofa with the artist miming
shot 12- A shot of the artist and male arguing
shot 13-

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