Tuesday 13 November 2012


This is a questionnaire which i created to ask the target audience what they would expect from a music video of a female pop star.

Which are you?
Female []
Male []

What age range are you in?
Under 16 []
16 - 21 []
22 - 28 []
29 - 35 []
36 - 45 []
46 - 59 []
60 or over []

Name your 3 favourite female pop stars below

Pick the main reason (ONLY ONE) which makes them appeal to you THE MOST.

I enjoy their music []

I like their dress sense/style []

I find them physically attractive []

I admire how their personality come across in interviews/on the tele/ in videos/ things they have done in the news etc. []

Which 3 qualities should a female popstar have in order to attract or interest you in them?

By looking at pictures of this girl, would you say she typically fits the image of a female pop star?

Yes []     No []

Give a few reasons why

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