Sunday 2 December 2012

Answers to my questionnaire

What gender are you?

male [ ]
female [ - ]

How old are you?

5-10 [ ]
11-16 [ ]
17-21 [ - ]
22-30 [ ]
31-40 [ ]
41+ [ ]

Do you like female pop stars?

yes [ - ]      no [ ]

Do you like the genre of pop music?

yes [ - ]      no [ ]

If not why?


Who is your favorite female pop star?


Reason why

She represents women in a positive way, that all women stand together

What is appealing about a female pop star?

confidence, not afraid to be themselves

What do you think a female pop star should look like?

Portrayed in a good light, not shown in a bad way

These are some answers to my questionnaire by a 17 year old girl.

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